Building Activities to Teach L2 Vocabulary with Corpus
Turma 1 - 21/10/24, das 10h30 às 12h30
Turma 2 - 22/10/24, das 14h00h às 16h00
Date, time and location:
Language of instruction:
Will it have an interpreter?
About the Course
What’s the difference between catch and capture? Can we say human mistake or only human error? And what’s the plural of computer mouse — mouses or mice? These questions, and many more, can be answered using a corpus. Given its ability to reveal authentic language patterns, it’s only logical that corpus tools play an essential role in language teaching, especially for vocabulary instruction.
In this workshop, we explore a range of corpus applications to teach vocabulary—both in soft and hard forms. In the soft version, teachers use corpora to select appropriate collocations and create vocabulary activities for learners. In the hard version, learners actively explore corpus data themselves, discovering language patterns much like corpus linguists do.
The workshop will include hands-on activities for working with collocations, playing corpus-based vocabulary games, data-driven learning (DDL), and using corpus-lite tools and oral corpora. Participants will engage with these activities through interactive demonstrations, and you’ll be guided on how to build your own corpus-based tasks for the classroom. Please bring your own device to fully participate in this practical session.
Target audience
Student teachers and practicing EFL teachers. No prior knowledge of corpus is required, though a basic understanding of what a corpus is would be helpful.
Lackman, K. (2010). Classroom Games From Corpora.
Selivan, L. (2018). Lexical Grammar: Activities for Teaching Chunks and Exploring Patterns. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Selivan, L. (2022). Corpus linguistics and vocabulary teaching. In: Harrington, K. & Ronan, P. (Eds). Demystifying Corpus Linguistics for English Language Teaching. Palgrave Macmillan.

Leo Selivan
With nearly 20 years in ELT, Leo Selivan has worn many hats—from teacher and examiner to trainer and materials developer. He currently lectures on courses for pre-service teachers and language editors. His notable publications include Lexical Grammar (CUP, 2018) and Activities for Alternative Assessment (Delta Publishing, 2021). Passionate about the Lexical Approach, Leo conducts teacher training workshops globally and frequently speaks at international conferences.